网站标题: European Disabled Golf Association - YouTube
网站简介: EDGA was setup to help individuals with impairment to start, stay, succeed and enjoy golf and now provides advise and guidance for organisations on organisin...
关键字: golf  edga  amp;quot;disabled  golfamp;quot;  


网站标题: European Disabled Golf Association
网站简介: EDGA was set up to help individuals with impairment to start, stay, succeed and enjoy golf. Today EDGA provides advice and guidance for organisations on tournaments, training and services to golfers with disability.
关键字: EDGA  Lee  Westwood  Sergio  Garcia  Sky  TV  disability  golf  impairment  European  Ramp;amp;A  Golf  amp;amp;  Ride  Portugal  Paragolfer  Cedric  lescut  Manuel  de  Los  Santos  Charles-Henri  Quelin  Mon  


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