网站标题: 【MONDOFIL】せかいの糸の意味をもつ、京都の糸屋。MONDO-FIL, meaning World Yarn in Italian, is a high-end yarn company bas
网站简介: ファンシーヤーンをデザイン・企画・製造。皆さまの編み物ライフが楽しくなるお手伝いを目指します。MONDO-FIL, meaning World Yarn in Italian, is a high-end yarn company based in Kyoto, Japan. Our aim is to provide a high level of direction and fun to the knitters and crocheters of the world.
关键字: モンドフィル  毛糸  ファンシーヤーン  京都  アクセサリー  


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